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AssetTrack 5.0 Release Details

AssetTrack for ServiceNow empowers Hardware Asset Managers to get their people to follow a consistent process using data capture tools that accurately record asset data and captures analytics for continuous improvement.

AssetTrack for ServiceNow version 5.0 takes this to a whole new level.


AssetTrack App Improvements

AssetTrack is used by field techs, receiving dock personnel, auditing teams, etc. to capture asset data. New configuration controls force users to capture better data in less-than-ideal conditions. Asset Managers can use these new settings to ensure end users follow processes. For example, requiring audit form data to be entered before scanning can begin.

Process Controls

These new form configuration options help to train new users and improve data quality:

  • Complete audits faster by ensuring required fields are populated before auditing begins and preventing users from continuing to scan until they resolve errors
  • Capture necessary information without wasting time by requiring data based on whether assets are found, unexpected, new or missing
  • Requiring data based on whether assets are found, unexpected, new or missing
  • Prevent assets from being overwritten with bad data and correct mistakes by rescanning an asset to update
  • Allow auditors to easily update assets with accurate data by editing bulk field values on an individual asset during an audit
  • Audit imperfect asset databases by detecting and resolving duplicate assets

Scanning Improvements

We’ve made additional improvements to the app to make it easier for users to capture data:

  • Increase audit efficiencies with improved scanning range (~2.5” – ~16”) and use of flashlight for low light areas
  • Prevent invalid scans from getting uploaded into the system by implementing scan patterns
  • Quickly find assets in an audit list with new alphanumeric asset sorting
  • Prevent performance impact and configure image size with new image enhancements

Offline Improvements

Using AssetTrack iOS or Android while offline is more efficient:

  • Sync a 500K asset database in just a few minutes
  • Use Advanced Audit without network connectivity by taking the audit offline

Seriously New Advanced Audit

AssetTrack for ServiceNow 5.0 adds tools for Asset Managers to monitor, reconcile and measure performance of Advanced Audits more effectively from within ServiceNow.

Edit Audit Data Within ServiceNow

Audit Managers can view and edit captured audit data, fix errors and clear validation issues right from within the familiar ServiceNow interface.

Use AssetTrack Validation in Advanced Audits

AssetTrack for ServiceNow form validation rules are now applied to audited asset data on the server:

  • View validation messages in an audit instance within ServiceNow
  • View and edit audited asset data to update and clear validation messages
  • Prevent import of invalid audited assets Prevent Asset Managers from closing audits with validation issues
  • Import rogue assets immediately if validation passes

Enhanced Monitoring of Audits In Progress

  • View collection state for audited asset records (new, scanned, updated, imported, skipped, deleted)
  • Capture the “Asset ID” field on the Audited Asset record after rogue assets are created

Scoring Improvements

Asset Managers suggested that AssetTrack for ServiceNow version 4 was scoring audits too harshly:

  • Unexpected and rogue assets found during an audit used to reduce the overall audit accuracy score
  • Assets checked in or out of a stockroom while an audit is in progress should not negatively impact an audit score

AssetTrack for ServiceNow 5.0 Changes How Audits are Scored to Address These Concerns:

  • Score accuracy based on the expected asset count. Expect 100 assets and find all 100 is a perfect accuracy score. Additional assets encountered during the audit are scored separately. This enables Asset Managers to demonstrate success in finding all expected assets, while also reporting on the occurrences of unexpected moves and rogue assets discovered in the environment
  • Account for assets that are moved in or out of audit scope during an audit. When calculating audit results, unexpected assets that are moved into an audit scope after the audit starts are scored as found. Assets that are moved out of scope during an audit are skipped when calculating scores

Mobile App Deployment

AssetTrack for ServiceNow Includes Tools to Simplify App Deployment for Mobile Device Managers:

  • By pre-configuring the ServiceNow URL for mobile apps, we can control which instances a user can access and prevent them from having to type a long URL when initially running the AssetTrack app on iOS or Android
  • Use Blackberry Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) as your mobile device management system
  • Use a custom certificate store to authenticate users


Bug Fixes

We Fixed Other Stuff Too..

  • On iOS, open dog tag while scanner is open hides buttons
  • Force update client not updating UX properties on desktop
  • Rescanning a previously imported unexpected asset results in a duplicate hardware record
  • Scan button crashes iPad
  • The keyboard on an iOS device is preventing the scan or search buttons from appearing in an Advanced Audit
  • Advanced Audit forms are slow to load
  • Virtual AssetTrack image fields cause Advanced Audit to create audit instances with no assets
  • iOS device camera does not close when a rogue is scanned
  • Conditional fields disappearing on bulk side after clicking on dog tag
  • When image fields are set to read only, they do not display the image and cannot expand it
  • Current clock duration should be updated when the duration value is saved

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